Saturday, January 23, 2010

Early Mornings

Why is it that everyone thinks that they are the only one who feels alone?

Recently, my life has been in a rut. I've felt sluggish.

I wake up in the morning,
& my bed is too warm,
& the room too cold,
& I'm too tired.

Consequently while I do greatly enjoy sleep;
I very greatly dislike feeling purposeless.

So I have come to a simple solution (not of my own inspiration - for the record)

A man much wiser then me presented a thought-provoking perspective on life.

Dare to Dream.

As he said "there is nothing that you see, that was not first imagined"

And so, I find the true solution to dealing with purposelessness

Is to dream big.

Just try it. Let your imagination go wild. Think of what you could do.

But dream of what could be, of what you wish you're life would amount to.

And my final thought is this.

"No man is an Island"

Often we find ourselves feeling alone, but the truth is, that more often then not, many others around you are going through the same or similar things.

For the sake of those like me who like things brief & to the point.

Dare to Dream Big.